Jay Eatwell

PURCHASE your favourite ( jay eatwell ) music and merchandise from ( nine realm records Shop ) today.

Lets Talk About It OUT NOW!!!

At Nine Realm Records we are proud to introduce to the world. Television star from this years HIT reality TV show the Piano.
Jay Eatwell the piano phenomenon who has set the bar to become what we believe to be one of the greatest of his time, has left millions of viewers speechless with his live performance of his soon to be HIT song Fire at ST Pancras Station and then to go on to perform at the world renowned Royal festival hall, where he stunned the audience with yet another breathtaking piece of music and as half the crowd were wiping the remaining tears from their eyes, that’s when we all remembered exactly why we love music.
Jay Eatwell is the heart, the soul and the definition of what good music should be.
Pure unrefined passion and raw talent in all its forms .

Ignorance is bliss